
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Tips to Make an Attractive Pre-wedding Photography

There are many couple want to make a wonderful pre-wedding photo's album, but how can they do such a difficult action. We will give you some tips for this photography.

1. Create questions
You should talk with the couple before photo shooting. You should ask about their favorite, so you might get some unique ideas from them.

2.Theme and Concept
You should select themes that have strong impression of couple. It is a key to create a unique concept
that make photo awesome. The creative theme is being determined by the couple, it will lead to be prepared and do.

There are variety of themes you should think about such as Old school, Nature, Romantic, Casual, Formal (Outdoor and indoor) etc.

3.Time selection
It is very important to set time of the shooting. It will make your photo unique and awesome.

The place or location for shooting is a key to make your photos looks more beautiful and unique.
It will affect the couple feeling and action. It is good to choose a location adapted to couple concept.
There are some nice place you should choose such as Beach, Park, Old building, Historic places, Museum, Highway etc.

5.Make up

The couple look more attractive if they have good make-up. You should know exactly what make-up is for you photos.

6. Costume
The costume is valuable to give more interesting result for your photography.

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